Memorandum for Record 15 January 2000
SUBJECT: Minutes of the Japanese American Veterans’ Association of Washington, D.C.
1. An Executive Council meeting of the JAVA of Washington, D.C. was held on January 15 at the Wakabayashi’s residence. President's remarks. Hank Wakabayashi welcomed members of the Executive Council.
2. Old business.a. Dave Buto read the minutes of last meeting.
b. Treasurer's report- Max Yano announced that he will resign for reasons of health after this year. The Council wished him the best and thanked him for his outstanding service. The JAVA is in the black. The amount of funds in checking and savings accounts is available to members.
c. Membership report. As of 14 Jan 00, 88 members had paid, 27 had not paid. There are a total of 115 members, including 2 new members. Some people have forgotten how much they owe…JAVA news spells out, then subsequent reminder in JAVA news three times. The suggestion was made to print a notice separately from newsletter. Also, a separate letter was sent, the 3rd notice. People still need to be reminded about dues and the Fiscal year basis, July to July.
3. New business.
a. Inscriptions for National Japanese American Memorial to Patriotism. Regarding the inclusion of the JA Creed in the inscription, the Park Service will delete creed from inscription due to controversy. Background is that for about year, creed has been part of the inscription. Part of creed does not represent to J-A so there was controversy. The Creed has been deleted. A quote from 1941 quote from creed is included from Mike Matsuoka. Inscription was originally too long. There is a group from Hawaii that objects strongly. Commission of fine arts…recommends less quotes than more…for a better looking memorial. Kelly Kawayama is part of the effort to reduce quotes…"faith in democracy" and "should not happen to others" were the key two points. The new inscription has not been publicized. Quotes were selected and passed. Comments of the veterans' organization are available. Phil said, "Indications are that 442 in Hawaii especially, have written letters opposing to the creed." Phil is in process of evaluating all the info objectively…he feels very sorry that whole thing has come up. The younger generation did not experience what took place: the older generation put on the uniform and fought. Someone asked what the National Council’s position was regarding the issue? They will meet in Feb and will discuss. According to Phil, at this point, the Council has received a great deal of input from 442 Hawaii and some from California. Someone asked if there is a deadline on the final text? Not really. Phil said that the Commission of Fine Arts has passed everything else…Chairman Brown said that inscription can be added at later date. But that will cost $200,000 more by delaying decision. Someone in the JAVA Executive Council made the observation that the group must be careful of wording…Japanese American Patriotism (JAP) is poor wording. What's JAVA position? Committee from JAVA to address -- yes, but premature then take a stand.
b. Grant has the inscription…it is still being debated. The inscription describing the Engineer Battlation serving with"valor" is causing some problems because "valor" connotes combat. Also, Military Intelligence Service (MIS) is controversial, too, because it did not exist as an organization. The wording should be "Specialists" (Stan Falk concurred).
c. The reprinting of JAVA publication, MIS in the War Against Japan. Warren Tsuneishi said that the book has been out of print for 2 years. Should we reprint? The cost of reprinting: 750 copies is $2,665 plus $141 to mail. For 250 copies, if we charge $10 we break even. There are no copies left. Have been getting results from a survey to find out how many are needed. Should we subsidize to lower costs? The problem will be to get a POC to receive and mail the copies. Copies were given to universities -- some museums bought copies. Stan and Warren agree it should be reprinted. Motion to order 1000 was made, seconded but another motion was made to change to 500. This was seconded and carried. Someone asked if we should revise the version – the answer was no.
d. JAVA action on WWII AJA draft resisters. The entire issue was published in the JAVA newsletter. The 442nd RCT in Aug 98 issued resolution ref the group of 85 draft resisters from Hart Mt in 1944. This group declined to get physical exam until their constitutional rights restored. They were tried and convicted to 5 yrs, 3 years for followers (total of 315 resisters) – but the Judge threw the case out. Some were fined $100. This was appealed to Supreme Court…but it refused to consider it. Warren led team to study issue and submitted it to a membership vote. By Oct 99, we got 63 responses. Results the motion was carried per the following vote.
1 from an Associate member was not counted;
37 approval,
14 disapproval,
11 abstain.
The letter from JAVA will appear in the next issue of Pacific Citizen.
e. Dave Buto demonstrated the proposed web site. He discussed the need to get permission from members to publish information about them. Someone suggested that the JAVA book be advertised on the Web Site and that orders be taken. Someone suggested that a link be added to the Memorial Foundation. [Both the JAVA book advertising and the link were added in January.] Dave asked the group for suggestions on a web site name. The group chose JAVADC.ORG or JAVAOFWASHDC. [JAVADC.ORG was registered in January and became the name.]
f. A nomination committee for JAVA officers/2000-2002 is being formed. Joe Ichiugi to co-chair with Ron for new members to serve.
g. A discussion followed concerning JAVA forming a Sunshine Committee which would send flowers to members who lost spouse, or a Get Well card in case of illness. The motion was made, seconded, and carried to establish a sunshine committee for the purchase of cards, etc.…, A committee will decide details. A call for vounteers is going out.
h. JAVA in dedication program 1430 Nov 11, 2000 at the Arlington National Cemetery amphitheater. It will be preceded by breakfast. We will need help because President will have ceremony a ceremony at the same place right before our ceremony…afterwards our program will start right away. Advertising is $1000 for commemorative. A motion was made, seconded and carried to take out advertising space. The entire set of events is going to be expensive: there is the cemetery event, something at the Smithsonian, a breakfast, and the gala.
i. On Feb 11, the dedication committee has a kickoff meeting at Wardman Hotel. There will be a tour of facilities. Contracts are in place and the core activities are in place. People need to call Sharon Stone for registration material…don't delay. JAVA is late getting announcement out. There are only 1500 seats at the dinner. By Jun 1 all seats are expected to be sold, but may be chance to expand…put money in early or you may be turned away.
j. There is a 442nd endorsed trip to Italy, April 2000, 17-30th…cost is $2400 land portion, lodging, most meals, air transportation is additional.
k. The J-A national museum memorial day 2001 and reunion. Theme is to pass legacy to 21st century. The idea is to appeal to sons and daughters to carry on the legacy…share stories, encourage younger generation to participate. Southern California committee is taking care of details. More planning is required. The National Council has no source of income…work is being done pro bono (travel, etc)…Phil Ishio is checking with JAVA to see if some reimbursement or some contribution.
l. Hank reported on the storage of military records. He suggested that the Armed Services Division at Carlyle, PA be used. They are army military history institute. Apparently, they were the only org approached – the group asked Hank to investigate other options as well.
m. At the next meeting, someone suggested getting members exposed to web site. Dave Buto will check into use of Booz-Allen facilities for demonstrating web site.
n. Other items. Joe Ichiugi will be on the History channel, Feb 15, on the WWII memorial…short interview of Joe Ichiugi.
4. Motion was made, seconded and carried to adjourn.Prepared by:
David Buto