Veterans Association
Welcome to JAVA! This
is an umbrella website representing a number of Japanese
American Veterans' organizations throughout the United
States. The site has its origins in the telling of
the patriotic Nisei experience during WWII when American
citizens of Japanese ancestry were denied some of the
most basic civil rights. On these pages you will
find compelling stories of their WWII experience in the
European, African, and Pacific theaters as well as on
the Homefront. You can find links to the veterans
groups and many sites related to their
March 05 Exec Council Summary
03-02-05 JAVA Exec Council mtg.doc |
JAVA Newsletter
2 -'05 Word doc |
News 2 -'05 pdf |
New JAVA Website under construction
www.javadc.org/main.htm |
Sasaki, 84; Served With 442nd RCT |
Tsukahara. 442nd RCT Veteran |
Misaki, 442nd RCT on May 19,2005 from Selma, CA |
Lily Okura, Services will be held on Thursday, June 30, 2005 at 11 am at Bradley
Hills Presbyterian Church in Bethesda, MD. |
Host a Japanese Exchange Student? |
The College of William and Mary is
looking for families interested in participating
as a host family in its upcoming exchange program with Keio
University in Japan. 2005 marks the 15th anniversary of this
program, which brings approximately 40 Japanese college
students to the U.S. each summer for an intensive academic
program in Williamsburg on the William and Mary campus,
followed by a week-long trip to Washington.
Click here
for more information.
Explore the World
of the Nikkei at DiscoverNikkei.org |
Click here
for more info
Our Heritage |
in the European Theater: The 442nd RCT
(442nd RCT: 100th Bn, 522 Arty, 232nd Engineers et
in the Pacific Theater: The MIS
(Translators in the Military Intelligence Service)
Homefront: The language schools and internment
(The JACL, the MIS Language Schools, and the Internment Camps) |
Our Future |
Who's Who
Does your Japanese
American Veterans' group have events it would like to
publicize? Contact the JAVA webmaster at admin@java.org
and if appropriate, we will add to our calendar of events below.
This Month's
Feature - Spiritual
Leadership on the Battlefield - Hiro Higuchi
in 1935, the reverend was an ardent pacifist but decided
to follow and support the many YMCA boys who volunteered
for the Army into battle. In Italy, Chaplain
Higuchi found himself preaching and praying with his men
as bullets and bombs exploded around them. As with the
other chaplains, he raced from foxhole to foxhole where
he read Scriptures and boosted the soldiers as best he
could. Keeping his own nerves intact, he once stayed
with a forward aid station to be with the wounded and
dying men during a five-hour enemy barrage. He also
worked behind enemy lines, in one instance to pick up
the body of a missing sergeant in a heavily mined and
booby-trapped area...."
Reprinted with
permission from Echoes of Silence, a CD of Untold
stories of Americans of Japanese Ancestry who served in
Click here to
read more about Chaplain Higuchi in the 442nd.
Click here
to read previous months' articles.

Japanese American Memorial |
Buckley Architects and Planners |
Just north of the Capitol on a triangular plot
bounded by Louisiana Avenue, New Jersey Avenue and D Street NW. |
Click Here to view the NJAM
and to find the names of veterans inscribed on the
memorial Click
Here for Pictures of the
Dedication Ceremony Jun 01 Click
Here for
Pictures of the Dedication Banquet |

Click on Map (borrowed from
NJAMF website)
you like JAVA to send you a free pencil rubbing of
a name that is inscribed at the NJAMF? Click here
to submit a request. |
Mark Your Calendars |
Jun 2-4 |
California Conference on the Internment of Japanese Americans will be held on June 2 - 4, 2005, at the Radisson Miyako Hotel in San Francisco.
This working conference is sponsored by the California Civil Liberties Public Education Program (CCLPEP) - California State Library, and is an essential initiative in communicating civil liberties through the lessons of the Japanese American experience. It will showcase the individual projects created by CCLPEP grant recipients, as well as forums on internment as it influences us today. Conferees will have direct input to the future directives and priorities of the CCLPEP. For more information about the conference, visit www.CCLPEPconf.org.
Jun 2 |
Maryland State Government - Military Department, Warfield Air National Guard Base 175 Wing, 2701 Eastern Boulevard, Middle River, MD 21220.
Major General Tuxill will host a session to recognize the contributions of the APA vets, reservists and active duty. It is planned for June 2nd at 11:00 - 1:00PM. It will be a short ceremony with a guest speaker(s). I don't know if the speakers have accepted. The Maryland Commission for APA affairs is planning to have proclamation by the Governor to recognize the contributions APA military. I believe they also plan to have some food. This session will be restricted as it is a military base. We need to have the list of the visitors ahead of time. It is no problem for vets or retired.
I asked my mother if she would cook some food for the event. She said she would help. I don't know how the Air National Guard plan to do this portion.
If you have any questions, call me at 240 401 7229 or the names provided. It would be nice to have a good showing at both events.