January 17, 2009; Harvest Moon Restaurant, Falls Church, VA


JAVA held its Annual General Meeting on January 17, 2009, 11:30 AM at the Harvest Moon Restaurant at Falls Church, VA


The luncheon meeting was dedicated to the memory of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and his call to keep the dream alive.  Tribute was paid to Dr. King.


Executive Director provided a summary of his annual report.  He said the full report of may be found on the JAVA website. 


The election of officers for the 2009-2011 term was conducted by Nominating Committee Chair, Wade Ishimoto.  Wade said the Nominating Committee consisted of Bill Takakoshi, Terry Shima (Secretary) and himself, Chairman.  He said the process of elections started several months ago when the Secretary sent letters to all JAVA members asking for volunteers to run for office or to provide nominations. One response was received.  Ishimoto said the Nominating Committee selected the slate, had it approved by the Executive Council, and the Secretary notified each member to solicit comments, approval or disapproval.  None was received.


Chair Ishimoto presented the slate of officers as follows:

President  - Bob Nakamoto, 2nd full term

Vice President – LTC Martin Herbert, USA (Ret), 1st full term

Treasurer – LTC Earl Takeguchi, USA (Ret), 3rd full term

Secretary – Col Bruce Hollywood, 1st full term


Chair asked for nominations from the floor (none)  objections (none).  Grant Ichikawa moved that we have a vote by acclamation.  Martin Herbert seconded.  Motion carried.  The motion was passed by acclamation.


Kevin Secor, Special Assistant to the Secretary of Veterans Affairs executed the oath of office.


The balance of the meeting was devoted to the presentation of Bronze Star Medals, officiated by MG Tony Taguba and assisted by Col Hollywood, LTC Herbert and LtCol Yaguchi, in uniform, to the following:

Hanako Hankie Hirose for S/Sgt Goro Hirose – Bronze Star Medal (BSM)

Tech Sgt Ranger Grant J. Hirabayashi -  BSM

Bina Kiyonaga for 1st Lt Joseph K. Kiyonaga, BSM

Tech 4 Kelly Yeiichi Kuwayama, BSM and Legion of Merit

Etsu Mineta Masaoka for Tech 4 Mike M. Masaoka, BSM and Legion of Merit

Dr. Ray Murakami for S/Sgt Hideyuki Noguchi, BSM


Respectively Submitted,


Terry Shima, Pro Tem