Executive Board Meeting, April 13, 2002
JAVA Executive Board meeting was held at the home of JAVA President Phil Ishio at 1000 hours, April 13, 2002. The following were present: President Phil Ishio, VP Calvin Ninomiya, Treasurer Mike Okusa, Past Presidents Hank Wakabayashi and Fred Murakami, Newsletter Editor Aki Konoshima and the following eight members: Gerald Yamada, Yukio Kawamoto, Seiko Wakabayashi, Warren Tsuneishi, Joe Ichiuji , Bert Mizusawa, Terry Shima and Grant Ichikawa.
On the dinner for the two Senators, Inouye and Akaka scheduled for April 27, 2002 at Ft Myers, Mike Okusa reported that to date, there were 86 paid reservations and 17 others who called to make reservation, but had not paid to date for a total of 103 reservations. Phil reported that he has received pledges for 3 tables (30 seats), but had not received payment. There was considerable discussion over the dilemma of having only a total of 120 seats available. Telephone calls to Ft Myer by both Phil Ishio and Bert Mizusawa could not resolve the question of whether squeezing another two tables was possible and in addition the availability of the extra small room for the cash bar. It was decided that Phil go back to the pledges he received to cut it back by one half and for Mike to declare that reservations will now be closed, although it was announced that the cut-off date was April 22nd.
It was decided that a small Hawaiian band will be hired at a nominal cost . This is a band formed by the wife of Takafuji, the Deputy Director of Trippler Hospital.
Mike was asked to provide Ft Myers with the list of those attending this dinner for use by the MPs at the gate. Everyone is required to carry a picture ID and their names will be checked at the gate.
Phil reported that Jane Nishida, daughter of MIS veteran Malcolm Nishida, who is now the Secretary of Environment for Maryland, will be resigning to become the senior policy advisor for Planning and Development Collaborative International Forum that assists developing countries, particularly in Asia in environmental management and regulatory reform.
Since there is no mention of the role JAVA Newsletter editor and the JAVA webmaster in the JAVA constitution, Phil asked VP Calvin Ninomiya to come up with a draft addendum to our constitution to formalize the role of these positions
as official slot positions so that they would automatically be involved in any Executive Board activities.
It was decided that JAVA , as a Japanese American veterans organization, send a letter to the White House , complaining about Secretary Rumsfeld’s leak to the press about naming a replacement for Army Chief of Staff Shinseki, who is not scheduled to complete his present assignment for another 15 month . This is an unprecedented move on the part of Secretary Rumsfeld , which in effect puts General Shinseki in a "lame duck" position for a long 15 month period.
Then there was a lengthy discussion about whether it was proper for JAVA to accept airfare and hotel room for one JAVA member to attend JACL’s national recognition dinner in San Francisco honoring the Heart Mountain draft resistors, represented by six of the resistors. Since JAVA did not endorse JACL position of "apologizing" to the resistors, some voiced opinion as to whether or not we should even attend the function . Warren Tsuneishi was selected by Phil to represent JAVA. The two questions , raised by Terry Shima, were put to a vote. It was voted unanimously that JAVA should not accept airfare and hotel room from JACL. It was further voted unanimously that JAVA should not send an official representative to the affair in San Francisco. Therefore Warren Tsuneishi, who wishes to attend, will attend this affair as a private citizen, and he was given permission to emphasize JAVA’s official position on the Heart Mountain resisters at this dinner, which is:
"Whereas these draft resisters of conscience and their families may have been subjected subsequently to ostracism in their communities:
"Now, therefore, be it resolved that the Japanese American Veterans Association of Washington DC recognize the principled stand taken by the draft resisters of conscience in refusing induction on Constitutional ground; and be it
"Resolved further that JAVA extend the hand of friendship to the long ago pardoned resisters and their families."
By Grant Ichikawa, substitute
JAVA Secretary for Dave Buto